How transparent and stable is your supply chain?
In the past, sales, planning & allocation, quality management, procurement, production, warehousing & logistics and design & product development in a company were self-sufficient processes due to a highly functional way of thinking. Making a supply chain transparent, stable and resilient is a fundamental challenge. It becomes stable and efficient when the interfaces from customer to supplier along the value chain are transparent and synchronized.
In the operative planning processes, the silo thinking of divisions and departments is often evident. For example, the sales planning is often connected with the corporate planning but a synchronization with production planning, inventory management and procurement is insufficient. Forecasts are interpreted differently and lead to delayed reactions and poor assumptions.
A structured process-oriented way of thinking and willingness to cooperate between the individual company divisions along the entire value chain releases considerable unused potential and achieves decisive cost and competitive advantages. The results are: faster turnaround times, increased product availability, optimized costs, reduced inventories and increased flexibility of the entire supply chain, e.g. in the event of market fluctuations. In addition, these changes will result in cross-divisional cooperation and streamlined decision-making processes.
As ADCONIA GmbH, we support you in the design, introduction and implementation of an efficient supply chain management approach throughout your company. In doing so, we attach great importance to a company-specific identification of necessary process adjustments, help to select the right planning tools and design a suitable communication and interface strategy with you.