Sustainability check – Where does your company stand?
With our sustainability check consisting of 27 criteria, each with four levels of proficiency or maturity, we enable you to record the current ACTUAL situation of your procurement / supply chain department and to define a TARGET state.
The demand for products with an ESG-compliant origin is increasing, and this development is also legally required by the upcoming supply chain law. Many SMEs are not directly affected, but only indirectly through the passing on of the requirements from the big players to their service providers and suppliers. The new legal requirements thus force companies to act.
We supplement our sustainability check with anonymized best-in-class values from performance analyses that have already been carried out. This enables us to compare your organization’s ACTUAL performance with the best in the industry and work with you to develop a roadmap that will raise your sector to a competitive level and give you the future perspective you need.
Free access for an initial analysis
An excerpt of the Sustainability Check is also available as an online assessment for an initial assessment of potential and location. To receive free access as well as an initial evaluation of the potential of your procurement and supply chain organization, simply send an e-mail to or use our contact form.
Here you will get a small insight into our questionnaire and the corresponding maturity levels:
Leading Experts
Oliver Kreienbrink
ADCONIAGregor van Ackeren
ADCONIAHave we aroused your interest or do you feel that we are the right place for you? Do you need ideas, advice or an offer? Please feel free to contact us.
Tel.: +49 (0)208 74010481 |