Get to know your development fields with the Smart Procurement Check
With the Smart Procurement Check (SPC), consisting of over 160 criteria in 17 different categories. Each category has four levels of maturity, we enable you to record the current as-is situation of your procurement department and define a target status. The flexible questionnairewe will tailor to your organization by our experts during a strategy discussion. If necessary, we will short and exted it in certain subject areas.
Continuous improvement with the Smart Procurement Check
Successful procurement, also known as smart procurement, sets goals for continuous improvement. The range of fields of action for further improvement, for example supplier and material group management or automation / digitization from the SPC, is wide. We will consider and validate the methods and tools already used in your company.
We will supplement the SPC by anonymous best-in-class values from performance analyses already carried out. This enables us to compare the actual characteristics of your procurement organization with the best in the industry. Our target is to work with you to develop a roadmap that raises your procurement to a competitive level.
Free access to an initial analysis
An extract of the SPC is also available as an online assessment for an initial assessment of potential and the current situation. To receive free access and an initial evaluation of the potential of your procurement organization. Please send an email to
Here you get a small insight into our questionnaire of the Smart Procurement Check and the corresponding levels of maturity: