How optimally does your supply chain support the capital needs of your company?
Efficient supply chain management does not end with optimal alignment and control of cross-company logistics and delivery flows. A supply chain that is also adapted to the capital requirements of the company ensures the ability to act through optimized liquidity even with increasing market volatility.
We support our customers in defining, structuring and implementing the internal and external instruments available to them for optimizing the supply chain in terms of capital costs and financial aspects.
The aim is to generate additional sustainable liquidity for the company within and from the entire supply chain and to minimize capital tie-up. An important measuring point here is the „Cash-to-Cash Cycle Time (C2C)“. It measures how long the average liquidity of a company is tied up and thus not available for other tasks.
To continuously improve the C2C values of your company, various levers are focused which have a significant influence on this process: e.g. the optimization of delivery and replacement times, improvements in payment terms to be implemented at suppliers, resolute inventory optimization, a reduction in throughput times and logistics chains, etc… It is crucial that ADCONIA works together with you to create the conditions for the processes, methods and tools necessary for optimal supply chain finance to be established in a practical and efficient manner. We build on a solid, lean structure based on proven approaches.
With our support, you reduce the total costs of your supply chains, optimize your capital commitment, secure additional financial liquidity as an entrepreneur and increase your profitability.